ATTENTION! - Dear trainees, your safety is of utmost importance. Please clean your hands regularly with soap and water or Sanitizers, always use face masks and remember to keep social distancing. Follow government guidelines to stay safe. Thank you Doctors, Nurses and Healthcare professionals.


  1. The practical examination for the trade DTPO - Desktop Publishing Operator for the session 2020-21 is going to be started in various Delhi ITI's from dated 13.12.2021 according to the order received from ITI's and DGT. | ट्रेड डीटीपीओ-डेस्कटॉप पब्लिशिंग ऑपरेटर सत्र 2020-21 के लिए प्रायोगिक परीक्षा दिल्ली के विभिन्न आईटीआई में दिनांक 13.12.2021 से आईटीआई एवं डीजीटी से प्राप्त आदेश के अनुसार प्रारंभ होने जा रही है।

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